Meditation Music Relaxing Scene

Healing Music

This website provides professional and very effective healing music.

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DEMO SAMPLES - Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience, but are not required

Music can heal you in a number of ways, and sound therapy is a common healing technique. Healing music comes in all sorts of genres, styles and musical traditions, from Chinese gongs to Tibetan singing bowls. So what are some of the ways that healing music can impact your physical, emotional and spiritual health?

1. It reduces stress.

Listening to music is a proven stress-reduction technique. Stress can be caused by any number of life factors both large and small, and in today’s world of packed busy schedules, it can often become too much to cope with. Relaxing music helps you recenter, slow down your heart rate, and reduce anxiety.

Calming sounds have effects that linger long past the end of the song. For hours afterward, you may feel a sense of relief from stress. Stress can harm the body in many ways, so the more methods of stress reduction you have the better.

2. It aids sleep.

If you’ve ever had to function on a night of no sleep, you understand how vital this basic function is to your well-being. Even if you’re technically sleeping through the night, you may not be getting enough high-quality sleep to truly sustain you. It’s important to maintain a regular sleep schedule and to get the right amount of shut-eye for your own unique body.

There are a lot of tools to help improve your sleep quality and combat insomnia, but music is among the most effective. It’s completely natural and can be used over and over. If anything, listening to relaxing music becomes more effective the more you do it, as your brain learns to associate particular sounds with rest.

3. It quiets the mind.

One of the reasons that music is so helpful for improving sleep and reducing stress is because it quiets all those racing thoughts that distract you at night. It can be used solely for this purpose, even if you have no intention of sleeping anytime soon.

Meditators and mindfulness scholars like to refer to those racing thoughts as “monkey mind”: your mind is constantly chattering away, clamoring for your attention. Like a monkey, it can feel nearly impossible to catch and tame the mind when it’s acting like this, and many people find themselves battling their monkey mind every day. 

Music is one way to silence the monkey mind. Unlike some other methods, it’s remarkably immediate. It distracts you with more pleasant feelings, and replaces the chatter in your mind with comforting melodies.

4. It helps depression and anxiety.

Music is also helpful for those with more serious mental health issues, like depression or anxiety. It can especially necessary for those who are unable to take medication, or simply prefer not to artificially alter their brain chemistry. Healing music alters your brain chemistry too — but it does so in a natural way that’s been used by humans for millennia. It also stimulates the neurons in your brain that control your mood.

To experience the beneficial effects of music on depression or anxiety, it’s important to listen to music that is deeply relaxing on a regular basis — at least once every day.

5. It helps patients with chronic pain and physical illness.

Sound healers also use music to help patients with chronic pain. Chronic pain can be caused by any number of underlying health issues, such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraines and ulcers. While music doesn’t have a direct effect upon these physical ailments, it does improve the overall quality of life of those who suffer from ongoing pain. 

Healing and/or meditation music is a tool that’s worth adding onto conventional treatments. By inducing a profoundly relaxed state, it lowers stress hormones and strengthens the immune system. This helps people cope with the emotional and psychological aspects of their illness in addition to making the physical pain easier to deal with. Music healing is part of a holistic approach to health.

Healing can take many different forms, but many people make the mistake of trying to solve a health issue without taking the time to heal their emotional, mental and spiritual wounds. Music is the perfect antidote to this tendency. It forces you to take the time to breathe, and its effect continues long after the last healing sound has faded into silence.